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Monday, February 22, 2010

Maths Games

When the average Trinbagonian hears the word "Mathematics" in isolation they think "difficult...something they can't perform because it's abstract or boring." There are however many reasons why this concept should not be held anymore. There are many math games out there which allow persons to view this subject in a different light.

Mathematics, according to the Collins English Dictionary, is a group of related sciences, including algebra, geometry and calculus, concerned with the study of number, quantity, shape and space and their interrelationships by using a specialized notation. Though wordy, this definition captures all that Mathematics really is about as a subject. This subject is mandatory in every level at schools in Trinidad and Tobago and it will serve all concerned better if it is made fun, especially at the fundamental years.

Math Games like the one being showcased in this blog make learning easy and fun. This one include the different operations in Mathematics - Addition, Subtraction, Division and Multiplication. This is a great software which can be implemented in the classroom at different levels, as the games include different levels of competence.

Students' interest will be held since the various interface screens are both engaging and colourful. They appeal to different interests that the students may have otherwise. For example the interface for the subtraction shows life underwater where the right answer can see the participant winning a pearl from a clam.

Scores can be recorded or sent to a friend or the teacher. The students can participate in this game in the classroom or at home. The more they play the game the better they get at mastering the various concepts. As is natural among students, they will compete against each other trying to be the best at each level or they may simply try to beat their own scores, in an attempt to 'beat the game". This friendly competitive rivalry which is bound to occur should be encouraged since there seems to be only positive outcomes to be gained.

The main interface provides the participant with the option of choosing other mathematical games, which test other concepts in Mathematics.

Link to the Math Games:

Link to Math Game using the Basic Mathematical Operations (+ - x ÷) http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/popup/popup_addition.htm


  1. This is ideal for me. Besides what the student needs, we as teachers need this type of stimulation. Great software for all educators.

  2. Great software.Students should have fun while learning.

  3. girl looks like you are really interested in math and i should be too seeing that i struggle with the subject it sound s great will take a look at it.

  4. I just love Maths so dam it, this software is great! Need this in schools in Trinidad and Tobago!

  5. I just love maths! I can use this software for my children to come!


  6. This software can appeal to students of all ages....

  7. Wow a soft ware that actually makes Mathematics fun. Where was that when I was going to school.
